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BMW battery storage projectCertain types of renewable energy such as solar and wind power aren’t always available when we need them, for example at night, or on cloudy or windless days. Figuring out how to efficiently capture the energy when it’s available and store it for future use is crucial as we rely more and more on renewable energy. CER is engaged in energy storage research, and also studies the process of delivering the energy through the microgrid (distribution system) once it’s needed.


The objectives of CER's Energy Storage Program are to:

  • Accommodate Higher Levels of Renewable Generation:  Mitigate impacts and accommodate higher levels of renewable generation
  • Improve Operational Capability of Energy Storage: Develop and test new control algorithms and integrate solar forecasting
  • Advance Energy Storage Technology: Test new energy storage technologies and battery chemistries to improve cost effectiveness and performance
  • Promote Commercial Development: Provide a test bed for energy storage companies to test their technology, Energy Research Park development capable of grid connected testing of multiple energy storage systems
  • Optimize Resources, Microgrid Operations: UCSD’s energy storage projects are also designed and controlled to optimize generation resource utilization and reduce microgrid operational costs and greenhoue gas emissions
  • Grid Integration of Energy Storage: Identify energy storage integration issues and develop cost effective solutions (i.e. smart inverters, advanced controls, etc.)

View a presentation on energy storage projects at UCSD

CER is exploring the challenges and opportunities of energy storage systems through the following projects:



Stacked Services

The ARPA-E CHARGES project is investigating better value proposition for energy storage systems in the grid energy storage markets by participating in multiple applications on the grid. The research team has developed new testing duty cycles for grid energy storage applications incorporating five different single-use applications. Read more...

Principal Investigator: Antoni Tong