CER News:
UCSD to host the 2006 High Energy Density
Physics summer school
7 December 2006
The 2007 High-Energy-Density-Physics (HEDP) Summer School is a biannual event organized by the Fusion Science Center for Extreme States of Matter and Fast Ignition Physics. This coming year, the school will be held at the University of California, San Diego, on July 29 - August 4, 2007. Prof. Farhat Beg will serve as the local host.
The Summer School is for those undergraduate seniors, graduate students, postdocs, and researchers who want to enter, or advance their knowledge, in the field of HEDP. Lecture topics include radiation transport and spectroscopy, hydrodynamics, laser-plasma interactions, and experiment diagnostics, along with other ongoing research activities in the area of HEDP.
For more information, see the flyer or visit the school's web site.