CER News:
CER to host the 8th International
Workshop on the Physics of Wire Array Z-Pinches
24 November 2008
The International Workshop on the Physics of Wire Array Z-Pinches is held 2 out of every 3 years (in sequence with the International Conference on Dense Z-pinches), and is organized by Sandia National Laboratories (Pulsed Power Group). The principal scientists from around the world working on pulsed power-driven wire array plasma systems gather to discuss the status of current research and define future directions for the field. In 2009, the workshop will be held at the La Jolla Shores Hotel on 5th - 9th April, and Dr Simon Bott will serve as the local host. The conference website can be found at http://cer.ucsd.edu/waw2009.
More information on wire array z-pinches can be found through the High Energy Density Physics group's website at cer.ucsd.edu/hedp, or by contacting Dr Simon Bott at sbott@ucsd.edu. A recent CER seminar on wire array z-pinches can be found here.