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Carbon Slam: Towards Zero Emission

Dr. Mihri Ozkan, University of California, Riverside

April 6, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm, EBUII 479


Abstract:  The chemical composition of fossils in cores from the deep ocean show that it’s been 35 million years since the Earth last experienced today’s high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In the 1800s, as the Industrial Revolution took off, atmospheric CO2 concentrations begin an unprecedented upward climb, rising rapidly from 280 ppm (parts per million) in the early 1800s to a current level of 376 ppm. Data from core drilling has also enabled scientists to make a connection between rapid climate change and shifts in ocean circulation patterns. These resulted in major stress in our oceans. In my talk, I will present ways to minimize CO2 emission to heal back our atmosphere and oceans. Use of our award winning “Spongebikini” material to clean aqua and making Li-ion batteries out of biomass “Portobello mushrooms”, natural resources “Beach sand” and recycled materials will be presented as potential batteries to charge electric vehicles. Championing “Reduce”, “Reuse”, “Recycle” Vibes, I will compare recycling and sustainability efforts of all UC-campuses and present shortcomings and ways to improve our campuses.


Bio:  Mihri Ozkan is a full professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She is the “Climate Action Champion Professor” selected by University of California. Her interdisciplinary research unites two strands of recent, significant energy and climate inquiry: high capacity and high rate energy storage devices to power zero emission electric cars and for residential uses, and development of “environment” and “climate” safe “sustainable” technologies using abundant natural and recycled sources for manufacturing. Her recent collaborative work on making Li-ion batteries from Portobello mushrooms received extraordinary attention across the nation and worldwide. Her research is featured by magazines, TV stations and newspapers worldwide. Her Citations as of 2015 is 4689, H-Index: 34 and i10-index: 84.  She received many national and international awards as a result of her high impact interdisciplinary research. Her awards includes; “National Medal for Engineering Science Young Investigator”, by the Society of Engineering Science; “Young Frontier in Engineering” Honor by the National Academy of Engineering; “Inventor Recognition Award”, the Focus Center Research Program Global Research Collaboration (FCRP/GRC), Semiconductor Research Corporation; “Young Investigator Award”, by the Army Research Office; “Distinguished Engineering Educator of the Year Award” by the National Engineers’ Council; “National Emerging Scholar Award” by the American Association of University Women; “Visionary Science Award”, BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology Conference Washington; “Silver Award”, by the Materials Research Society and more.