Exploring Electrochemical Energy Storage in Lower Dimensions
Prabhakar R. Bandaru, UC San Diego
Wednesday October 21, 11:00am - 12:00pm
EBUII Room 479
Abstract: Nanostructured carbons incorporating nanotubes or graphenes may be used in a wide variety of applications ranging from energy generation to energy storage. As well-known examples of the latter, fuel cells or batteries have been prototypes for high-energy concomitant with low power capabilities, brought about by charge storage in the bulk and diffusion related limitations, respectively. Alternately, electrical capacitors have contrary attributes, i.e., through being recognized as low energy and high power devices, mediated through the charge being located at/close to the surface. The imperatives involved in devising intermediate architectures possessing the best of both batteries and capacitors, through nanocarbon designs, will be discussed.
The focus will be on analytical and experimental themes incorporating (a) defects in two-dimensional graphene (which may enhance the effective charged surface area, and influence the quantum capacitance), (b) the possibility of avoiding diffusional phenomena, through optimally spaced one-dimensional nanotubes. Such principles may help generate new ideas for energy storage, from the nanoscale upwards.
Bio: Prab Bandaru is currently a Professor of Materials Science at the University of California, San Diego. Subsequent to his PhD from UC, Berkeley, Prab worked at Applied Materials Inc. on ferroelectric memories and as a postdoctoral fellow in quantum information processing and Silicon photonics, at the Electrical Engineering department at UCLA. In 2003, Prab joined the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC, San Diego initially focusing his efforts on nanoelectronics and the materials science of defects. Such initiatives have laid the basis for his current research in electrochemical energy storage and thermal metamaterials. Prab was the recipient of the NSF Career Award and was elected to the Scientific American 50 for his contributions to nano-carbon science.