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View videos of CER members describing and presenting their research.

Energy Sciences

High Energy Density Physics Laboratory (HEDP)

If it works, this could power everything (2015)

A former student of The High Energy Density Physics Group describes her work in fast ignition fusion. The CNN narrator also discusses the goals and vision behind ITER, a massive nuclear reactor being built in France to show that fusion could be a viable energy source for the future.

Microchannel Plate Detector (2012)

A member of Farhat Beg's High Energy Density Physics Group describes the workings of their pulsed power machines.

Pulsed Power Plasmas

Plasma is Star Stuff (2014)

Plasmas are all around us. They make smartphones possible and can be found in stars! Plasma is sometimes called the fourth state of matter and it is the most abundant form of known matter in our universe. Dr. Saikat Chakraborty Thakur shares his plasma research.

Fusion Energy


The role of nuclear energy for carbon free baseload (2013)

George Tynan speaks at the electricity panel of the Forum on Energy and Climate Justice, a public symposium discussing the implications of climate justice, as well as current endeavors in research and practice at UCSD dedicated to combating pressing environmental challenges.

Renewable Energy

Coimbra Energy Group

Sun-Centered Imager on a Solar Tracker (2012)

Sun Camera on 06/02/2012 at UC San Diego

Coimbra Energy Group YouTube Channel

Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting Lab

UCSD Sky Imager Sun Blocker: First Full Test (2014)

Professor Jan Kleissl at the University of California at San Diego and his team of engineers are doing vital research that will improve the ability of solar energy to become the prominent source of energy and therefore decrease consumption of fossil fuels

Sensing and mapping solar potential (2010)

Jan Kleissl explains the sensor network testbed established on the UCSD campus for solar mapping and forecasting.

General Energy

Breakthrough: Energy on the Edge

This National Geographic Channel series follows scientific explorers working on cutting-­edge projects with breakthrough potential. The Energy on the Edge episode focuses on energy sources that could save the environment and eliminate our dependency on fossil fuels. It features Tammy Ma, a former UC San Diego Student and current LLNL researcher.

Watch the video here.

Our Energy Future Lecture Series

Over the course of four Thursday evenings in October 2013, academic experts from UCSD presented TED-style talks on topics such as energy production and use, climate change, the social and economic issues of energy, and how energy relates to food and water. UC San Diego's' Center for Energy Research and Food and Fuel for the 21st Century organized this public lecture series, which eventually morphed into part of a massive open online course offered by Coursera.

Our Energy Future: The Impact of Energy on Climate Change (2013)

This lecture features Richard Somerville (Professor Emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Veerabhadran Ramanathan (Director of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences), and David Victor (Director of the Lab on International Law and Regulation).

Our Energy Future: Energy Production and Options for a Sustainable Future (2013)

This lecture features Stephen Mayfield (Director of the California Center for Algae Biotechnology), Mark Thiemens (Dean of the Division of Physical Sciences), and Susan Golden (Director of the Center for Chronobiology).

Our Energy Future: Energy, Water, and Food Security (2013)

Steven Briggs (Distinguished Professor of Biology), Dan Cayan (Climate Atmospheric Researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Jennifer Burney (Assistant Professor at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies).

Our Energy Future: Economic and Social Issues of Energy (2013)

This lecture features Josh Graff-Zivin (Director of Int'l Environmental and Health Studies), Gordon McCord (Assistant Professor at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies), Mark Jacobsen (Associate Professor of Economics).

General Energy Videos

Forum on Energy and Climate Justice: Electricity Challenges (2013)

CER Principal Investigator George Tynan discusses the correlation between energy use and markers of social well-being such as lifespan, childhood mortality, literacty and education. He presents the challenges of meeting future global energy needs and gives an overview of how UCSD is working to solve them.

The UCSD Microgrid (2012)

UCSD's "microgrid" controls and integrates electricity supply and demand on the campus. It's one of the best examples of an electricity network that provides local control yet is interconnected with the larger electricity grid.