CER News Archives
CER's Center for Matter Under Extreme Conditions (CMEC) is Renewed
May 11, 2023
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration selected eight universities to receive cooperative agreements totaling $100 million to establish nine Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Centers of Excellence to support research activities in areas of physical sciences and engineering.
The SSAA program funds research grants and cooperative agreements to provide opportunities for scientific collaboration between the academic community and scientists at the DOE and NNSA national laboratories. A main objective of the SSAA is to develop and maintain a long-term recruiting pathway supporting the national laboratories by training and educating the next generation of scientists in critical areas of science and technology research relevant to stockpile stewardship. Read full article.
CER Scientists Participate in Expanding Your Horizons Workshop for Middle School Girls
March 18, 2023
On March 18, 2023, two groups of CER scientists participated in the Expanding Your Horizons workshop, which aims to educate and motivate middle school girls in STEM. The workshop was held in person at the University of San Diego for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. The event attracted girls from underrepresented communities in East County and the southern part of San Diego. Read full article.
Farhat Beg named the inaugural recipient of the Shao-Chi and Lily Lin Chancellor’s Endowed Chair in Engineering Science
January 31, 2023
Farhat Beg, a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC San Diego and a renowned high energy density science expert, has been named the inaugural recipient of the Shao-Chi and Lily Lin Chancellor’s Endowed Chair in Engineering Science.
The Lin Chancellor’s Endowed Chair in Engineering Science was established with a $1 million gift from Lily Lin in honor of her late husband, Jacobs School of Engineering Professor Emeritus Shao-Chi Lin, to support the teaching, research and service activities of a distinguished faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. An additional $500,000 matching endowment was created as a part of the Chancellor’s Endowed Chair Challenge. Read full announcement.
Nguyen Minh Selected as a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society Class of 2022
October 6, 2022
The designation “Fellow of The Electrochemical Society” was established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions to the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and for service to the Society. These members are recognized for scientific achievements, leadership, and active participation in the affairs of ECS. Each year, their peers choose up to 15 renowned scientists and engineers for this honor. See page 91 of the press release.
Jan Kleissl Featured on KPBS San Diego News Now
September 19, 2022
Listen to the audio recording on the NPR website. (Episode dated 9/19/22, "Electric cars' impact on grid".) Dr. Kleissl can be found by fastforwarding to 6 minutes 20 seconds.
Op-Ed: California’s giant new batteries kept the lights on during the heat wave
September 13, 2022, by Mike Ferry for the LA Times
California just stared down its most extreme September heat event in history and survived better than expected — thanks in part to a new system of huge, grid-connected batteries.
The severity and duration of this latest climate-driven heat tested the state’s electricity grid like never before, setting records for power demand that pushed the supply to its limits. But the system held. The lights stayed on.
Additional tests lie ahead, for California and other states and nations. But after this round, California has a clear lesson for the world: Battery storage is a powerful tool for grids facing new strains from heat, cold, fire, flood or aging networks. And just as important, batteries are key to the zero-carbon future we need to avoid even greater stresses down the line. Read more.
ITER International School on Operation Scenarios and Control
September 12, 2022
The 11th ITER International School concluded successfully in San Diego, USA, on 29 July after five days of lectures and discussions on the development of tokamak operation scenarios and how to control them. After a hiatus of two years due to COVID pandemic, it was finally possible to organize the traditional ITER International School again. A total of 175 Master's, graduate or postdoctoral students gathered at the end of July in San Diego, California, for the 2022 ITER International School, this time focusing on ITER operation scenarios and control. Read more.
Welcome @ITEROrg! @UCSanDiego’s Center for Energy Research, @GeneralAtomics and the
— UC San Diego Research (@ResearchUCSD) July 26, 2022
US Burning Plasma Organization are hosting a 5-day international school to educate and invigorate the next generation of nuclear fusion scientists. (cc: @DOEscience)
CER Researcher Jose Bodeo's Paper Chosen as Editor's Pick
May 17, 2022
CER Researcher Dmitri Orlov's Research Picked Up by Wired Mag
November 15, 2021
Opinion: Here’s what I learned at the UN climate conference in Glasgow
November 12, 2021
By Director of Energy Storage and Systems, Mike Ferry
Two years ago, Forbes published an article that stated the world would need to build a new nuclear power plant every day, day in and day out, for the next 30 years in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The author was correct, and his point is an important one: Promises like those being made in Glasgow are easy, but actually building things at the necessary scale of change is hard. Read more.
Feeling the Heat: Fusion Reactors used to Test Spacecraft Heat Shields
November 8, 2021
Researchers Study Spacecraft Heat Shields Using DIII-D Fusion Facility
August 18, 2021
Dr. Nguyen Minh of CER recently received the Subhash Singhal Award of The Electrochemical Society
August 4, 2021
CER Proposal Chosen by U.S. Department of Energy to Improve Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production, Transport, Storage and Utilization
July 7, 2021
LawnStarter's Article on the 2021’s Most Sustainable Cities Quotes Jan Kleissl
April 22, 2021
2020 Nuclear Fusion journal award to paper with UCSD participation
January, 2021
Michael Hanson (MAE) was Awarded the Outstanding Poster Award at the 62nd APS Division of Plasma Physics
November 11, 2020

Michael performed his research under the supervision of Dr. Dmitri Orlov. His presentation was titled "The Impact of Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Strength on the L-H Power Threshold”. He reported a DIII-D database study of H-mode power threshold in the presence of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) compared to the Martin L-H power scaling [Y.R. Martin, et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 123, 012033 (2008).]. Since ELM control is critical for ITER, this study is important for assessing the impact of RMP ELM suppression on the L-H power over a range of DIII-D plasma conditions, which can eventually be projected to ITER. The L-H transition is a complex phenomenon with several key control parameters, some of which are altered by the RMP field. In order to understand the effects of RMPs on the L-H threshold, a scaling model was being constructed that included the amplitude and phase of various 3D toroidal modes due to field-error correction and RMP coils in DIII-D. In addition to the loss power used in the Martin scaling, he included the radiated power loss from the core, which had a significant impact of the scaling in DIII-D and is expected to be important in ITER. Preliminary results indicated a systematically higher power needed to cross into H-mode when RMPs are present when compared to the Martin scaling.
Michael plans to continue his research on this topic during his M.S. program at UC San Diego.
UCSD Gets $39 Million Grant for Renewable Energy Testbed
November 2, 2020
DERConnect will include more than 2,500 distributed energy resources on the campus’ microgrid, including fuel cell and solar panels, a dozen classroom and office buildings and 300 charging stations for electric vehicles. The project will also involve the construction of a new energy storage testing facility on the East Campus. Read the article.
CER Member, Dmitri Orlov, is Named to the APS DPP Executive Committee
November 1, 2020
UC San Diego’s Center for Energy Research Awarded over $5M for Energy Projects
October 8, 2020
CER Director, Jan Kleissl, named a fellow by the American Solar Society
June 10, 2020
CER Partners with Johns Hopkins University to Develop New Center, the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA)
April 22, 2020
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is awarding nearly $30 million over five years to establish the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA), a center directed by Tim Weihs of JHU.
The alliance of 18 institutions includes four permanent universities, each with a technical expert who will work collaboratively with Weihs to manage the consortium. Among these experts, CER's Farhat Beg will serve as a lead in photon-material interactions. Read more.
CEC Funds $11 Million Project to Fast Track Commercialization of Clean Energy Technologies
November 19, 2019
The California Test Bed (CalTestBed) initiative is designed to reduce the stumbling blocks of time, cost, and bureaucracy most entrepreneurs face when trying to bring breakthrough concepts to market. The initiative will provide $8.8 million in vouchers ranging from $10,000 to $300,000. It also includes a streamlined agreement process allowing entrepreneurs to test the design and performance of their prototypes at one of 30 testing facilities throughout the state.
CalTestBed is a collaboration between the CEC, the University of California Office of the President, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Momentum, the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator and New Energy Nexus. Read more.
Cummins Partners with UC San Diego on Second-Life Battery Development
August 27, 2019
Cummins Inc. today announced a multi-year partnership with the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) and its battery validation lab to analyze viable business and technical approaches to effectively reuse and repurpose electric vehicle batteries. Read more.
Jan Kleissl Becomes CER's New Director!
July 1, 2019
Jan Kleissl Receives Jacobs School of Engineering, Faculty of the Year Award
May 31, 2019
Nominated by graduating seniors at JSOE, Jan was selected for his level of engagement, helpfulness and clarity of instruction. This honor will be acknowledged at the 2019 Ring Ceremony. There, the Dean of the School of Engineering will present Jan with his award. The Ring Ceremony on Saturday, June 15th at 7:30PM at Warren Mall. Congrats Jan!
Data science helps engineers discover new materials for solar cells and LEDs
May 22, 2019
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a high-throughput computational method to design new materials for next generation solar cells and LEDs. Their approach generated 13 new material candidates for solar cells and 23 new candidates for LEDs. Calculations predicted that these materials, called hybrid halide semiconductors, would be stable and exhibit excellent optoelectronic properties.
The team was led by Kesong Yang, and used computational tools, data mining and data screening techniques to discover new hybrid halide materials beyond perovskites that are stable and lead-free. “We are looking past perovskite structures to find a new space to design hybrid semiconductor materials for optoelectronics.” Yang said.
The team published their findings on May 22, 2019 in the journal Energy & Environmental Science.
Congratulations to Shirley Meng for being the recipient of the 2018-2019 Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Excellence Award in Science & Engineering
April 5, 2019
The Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Excellence Awards program celebrates educators who believe in the extraordinary. These faculty members redefine the concept of “learning,” bringing unrivaled commitment, boundless energy, and daring exploration to their roles as leaders on campus and within the community.
On Apr. 18, six outstanding UC San Diego faculty members, including CER's Shirely Meng, will be honored at the 45th annual Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Excellence Awards for innovative research, extraordinary teaching and making a difference in the community. Congratulations, Dr. Meng!
Read more. Or check out the UC San Diego News Center annoucement.
Paper highlighted in AIP Physics of Plasmas: Validation of the model for ELM suppression with 3D magnetic fields using low torque ITER baseline scenario discharges in DIII-D
April 1, 2019
The paper was selected as part of the Editor's Selection, which highlights especially noteworthy advancements in the application of scientific computing to verify and/or validate codes and analytical models aimed at understanding and predicting plasma behavior. These articles have been made free to read and share for a limited time.
CER Outreach Team Participated in the Expanding Your Horizons Event with the Workshop “Electrifying your world!”
March 23, 2019
The workshop included hands-on-presentations on basic properties of electric and magnetic fields and how knowing those properties one can put the energy of those fields to work. As in previous years, every participant built a small electric motor from scratch. This time, we spent less time on introductory lecture and more time on demonstrations.
Participants of the “Electrifying your world!” workshop:
Marlene Patino (UCSD)
Kelly Garcia (UCSD)
Raymond Seraydarian (former UCLA)
Stefan Prestrelski (Torrey Pines High School)
Igor Bykov (UCSD)
Many thanks to all the off-site members of the team Rick Moyer, Dmitry Orlov, and of course Saikat!
Ionization injection of highly-charged copper ions for laser driven acceleration from ultra-thin foils
January 24, 2019
A new article from the Beg laboratory was published in Nature's Scientific Reports. The article detailed a computational study led by Dr. Jun Li , Dr. Chris McGuffey, Prof. Alexey Arefiev, and Prof. Farhat Beg of the Center for Energy Research and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. It demonstrated the generation of quasi-monoenergetic (up to 400 MeV) and high-charge copper ions in the interaction of ultra-intense (1021 W/cm2) and short (34 fs) laser pulse with thin (20-150 nm) copper foils. The simultaneity of field ionization with ion acceleration, which we call ionization injection, is shown to be the key to the generation of high-quality ion beams in such interactions. This study offers a promising, novel mechanism to produce energetic, high-charge ion bunches for future research. This work was performed in collaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Naval Research Laboratory. The HPC resources were provided by the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas and the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). More.
Focused proton beams for fast ignition
January 24, 2019
In a new article featured in Laserlab Forum written by Adam Higginson, a postdoctoral researcher in Farhat Beg's lab, discusses laser research in fusion energy.
"Researchers from British Laserlab-Europe partners the University of Strathclyde and the Central Laser Facility (CLF) have used the petawatt-class Orion laser system in the UK to produce tightly focused beams of protons, using novel shaped targets, to assess physics relevant to Inertial Confinement Fusion and to develop laserdriven proton heating for high energy density physics." More.
Dr. Saikat Chakraborty Thakur Receives UC San Diego's 2018 Inclusive Excellence Award
January 24, 2019
The November 2018 announcement of the awards program invited and encouraged nominations to recognize those faculty, staff, students, departments, and organizations who have made outstanding contributions in support of UC San Diego's commitment to inclusive excellence and diversity. A review committee comprised of representatives from the Executive Vice Chancellor and all Vice Chancellor areas evaluated nominations and recommended award recipients.
A ceremony will be held on Friday, March 1, 2019, at 1:30 p.m., at Price Center West Ballroom to recognize the recipients. Learn more about the award.
CER Outreach at Fleet Science Center 2019 - On Local News!
January 15, 2019
CER Outreach members attended the Fleet Science Center's 2019 High Tech Fair at Balboa Park (January 17, from 5-8 p.m.). At this event, students in grades 7-12 learn about opportunities available to them as they pursue a career within a scientific field in San Diego. The science that students learn in the classroom is complemented with real-life applications through interactive experiences provided by participating local STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)-related industries. CER member, Saikat Thakur, talks about high energy density science on the segement.
UCSD Fuel Cell Team Demonstrated Record Performance for Zirconia-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
January 10, 2019
The UCSD Fuel Cell Team recently demonstrated the best cell performance for zirconia-based solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) at reduced temperatures (600oC-650oC vs. present operating temperatures of 750oC-800oC). Peak power densities of ~2 W/cm2 and 1.7 W/cm2 were achieved with hydrogen fuel at 650oC and 600oC, respectively. The SOFC exhibiting these extraordinary performances is a thin-film multilayer structure fabricated by a sputtering process developed by the team. More.
Experiment shows laser-driven proton beam makes warm, dense samples with surprising material dependence
December 3, 2018
A team led by Center for Energy Research scientists Chris McGuffey, Joohwan Kim, and Prof. Farhat Beg have shown that proton beams, which are well-studied products of intense lasers, can locally heat a gold sample to over 35 eV, or 400,000 degrees. But, surprisingly, the heating strongly depended on what material was in front of the gold, suggesting that the energy lost by the beam in the hot materials is far different from what existing cold models predict. The experiment was carried out at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Trident Laser at Los Alamos National Laboratory with collaborators at Trident, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, General Atomics, the University of Alberta, and the Ohio State University. The work is described in an article published today in Nature’s online journal Scientific Reports.
Farhat Beg Named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
November 27, 2018
Four researchers at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest general science organization in the United States and publisher of the journal Science.
Farhat Beg, Rajesh Gupta, Pavel Pevzner and Liangfang Zhang join a total of 416 AAAS members that have been awarded this honor because of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications. New Fellows will recognized during a ceremony Saturday, Feb. 16, from 8 to 10 a.m. Eastern Time at the AAAS Fellows Forum during the 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. This year’s AAAS Fellows also will be formally announced in the AAAS News & Notes section of the journal Science Nov. 29, 2018.
NNSA Awards New Coorperative Agreements to Advance Nuclear Stockpile Science
October 15, 2018
The four new centers bring the total number of SSAA Centers of Excellence to eight. The centers enrich graduate education and training while also facilitating interactions between NNSA National Laboratory scientists and emerging leaders in academia.
“These cooperative agreements strengthen the Nuclear Security Enterprise by advancing areas of science relevant to the stockpile stewardship mission and ensuring a pipeline of future scientists to carry out that mission,” said Dr. Kathleen Alexander, Assistant Deputy Administrator for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation in NNSA’s Office of Defense Programs.
View the UC San Diego Press Release | View the NNSA Press Release
2018 John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research Recipient
July 9, 2018
July 10, 2018
Union City Site Now Using Recycled BMW i3 Car Batteries to Store Energy During Peak Solar and Reduce Strain on the Grid. More.
Port of San Diego to Install a Solar-Powered Microgrid with $5 Million Grant from California Energy Commission
June 20, 2018
UCSD was selected as a DOE Award for Concentratd Solar Power Award! More.
DOE Award for Concentrated Solar Power
June 12, 2018
Platform for EV charging research and innovation: University of California San Diego and partners
April 26, 2018
UCSD was selected as a GTM 2018 Grid Edge Innovation Award! More.
Department of Defense Announces FY18 Research Equipment Awards
April 3, 2018
The Department of Defense announced awards to 175 university researchers at 91 institutions in 36 states, totaling $53 million through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. Among those selected for funding was Farhat Beg's proposal titled, "Compact Pulsed Power Driver for Research on Energy Transfer and Interface Dynamics in High Energy Density Plasmas". more...
A Power Player for San Diego
April 5, 2018
UC San Diego’s Center for Energy Research, which helped to develop the innovative power grid that allows the campus to generate most of its own energy while pumping less carbon into the atmosphere, is extending its expertise to the rest of the San Diego region. more...
UCSD Receives Funding in the Department of Energy $12 Million to Advance Early-Stage Solar Research
December 19, 2017
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $12 million in new funding for eight projects to advance predictive modeling capabilities for solar generation. These models will lead to more accurate forecasts of solar generation levels, enabling utilities to better manage the variability and uncertainty of solar power and improve grid reliability. more...
Rick Moyer elected a 2017 Fellow of the American Physical Society
October 12, 2017
The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members who may have made advances in physics through original research and publication, or made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. more...
UC San Diego Center for Energy Research, LPPFusion to Collaborate on Fusion Energy Research
October 5, 2017
A new collaboration between CER and LPPFusion, Inc., a private company in Middlesex, NJ, was formalized with an agreement October 2, with the aim to develop the dense plasma focus device for fusion energy. more...
Can used batteries be the key to unlock EV charging profits?
September 13, 2017
EVgo is testing onsite storage at a pilot electric vehicle charging station at UC San Diego, aiming to reduce demand charges and make its stations more profitable. more...
Orion Academic Access Campaign a Great International Success
August 7, 2017
Researchers from University of California San Diego (C McGuffey, F Beg), Universität Darmstadt (M Roth, G Schaumann, J Ohland), Queens University Belfast (T Hodge) and General Atomics (MS Wei) joined to use the two powerful short pulse beams of Orion together with up to four long pulse beams to explore focusing laser driven ion beams into a small sample. more...
See How This Clean Tech Start Up Plans To Turn Electric Vehicles Into Virtual Power Plants
June 28, 2017
Nuvve, a clean tech start up in San Diego, has launched a pilot project with University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) to use idle electric vehicles as a collective energy storage reservoir. This will allow parked EV's to feed their energy back into the grid and be redeployed as needed by utility or grid companies. The total cost of the pilot is estimated at $7.9 million. more...
Nuvve and UC San Diego to Demonstrate Vehicle-to-Grid Technology Through Energy Commission Grant
June 14, 2017
The United States is home to more than half a million electric vehicles. What if all those vehicles could be turned into virtual power plants, feeding energy back into the grid while connected via a charger? more...
Electric Car Drivers Can Sell Back Electricity in UC San Diego Test
June 14, 2017
UC San Diego is teaming with NUVVE Corp. to test whether electric vehicle drivers in California will embrace selling power back to the electric grid while plugged in.The test is being financed with a $7.9 million grant from the California Energy Commission and will feature 50 specially equipped charging stations on campus. more...
Electrolytes made from liquefied gas enable batteries to run at ultra-low temperatures
June 15, 2017
San Diego, Calif., June 15, 2017 -- Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a breakthrough in electrolyte chemistry that enables lithium batteries to run at temperatures as low as -60 degrees Celsius with excellent performance more...
UC San Diego to be Recognized for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
June 08, 2017
UC San Diego will receive two 2017 Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Best Practice Awards from the Higher Education Energy Efficiency Partnership. The annual awards highlight achievements that University of California and California State University campuses have made through innovative and effective energy efficiency projects and sustainable operations. more...
New EnergiPlant Wind Turbine Provides Power and Public Space
June 02, 2017
Although the U.S. government announced this week it will withdraw participation in the Paris Climate Accord, UC San Diego is charging ahead with clean energy generation and has a new way to harness the wind to show for it. Engineers for a Sustainable World, a student-led organization at UC San Diego, held a dedication ceremony last week for EnergiPlant, its new wind energy generation system. more...
William Torre Appointed NAATBatt's New Chief Technology Officer
April 06, 2017
NAATBatt International has appointed William Torre, CER's Director of Energy Storage, as their new Chief Technology Officer. Bill will help guide programming and field inquiries, from members of the press and the public, about advanced electrochemical energy storage systems and technology. more...
CER CHARGES Project Featured at ARPA-E Innovation Summit
March 17, 2017
CER’s Department of Energy funded ARPAe Cycling Hardware to Analyze and Ready Grid-Scale Electricity Storage (CHARGES) project was staged at this year’s ARPA-E innovation summit technology showcase. more...
Research to Help Mitigate Future Shocks to State’s Water, Food and Energy Supplies
February 16, 2017
The California drought may be unofficially over, but that doesn’t mean it won’t return. Policymakers, businesses and the agriculture industry can best prepare for that possibility by applying what they have learned from past droughts to future events. more...
High Tech High Students Tour Campus Microgrid
December 24, 2016
As part of their class research into Zero Net Energy (ZNE) facilities, students from High Tech High toured the UC San Diego Microgrid, where they were introduced to the campus’ energy storage system, photovoltaic installation and central power plant, and learned about UC San Diego’s efforts to become a Zero Net Energy (ZNE) campus. more...
UC awards $14 Million in National Security Lab Grants
November 21, 2016
The 2017 UC National Laboratory Research and Training competition awarded more than $14 million in research grants to four collaborative research proposals . CER's Director Farhat Beg is the Lead Principal Investigator of the Center for Frontiers in High Energy Density Science, which received $4.1 million. more...
Christopher Holland receives 2017 DOE INCITE award
November 14, 2016
The DOE Office of Science announced 55 projects through its Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. Christopher Holland, a Research Scientist at CER, received 100 million core-hours to study instabilities in tokamak reactors to better predict confinement in future devices. more...
Jake Spisak awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Poster at APS DPP Conference
November 5, 2016
Jake Spisak was the recipient of an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster award at the 2016 APS Division of Plasma Physics Conference, for his poster entitled " Hybrid Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Weakly Collisional Shock Formation". more...
Jose Boedo named a 2016 American Physical Society Fellow
October 12, 2016
Jose Boedo was named a 2016 fellow of the American Physical Society. He was nominated by the Division of Plasma Physics and honored for his ground-breaking contributions to the studies of plasma drifts and intermittent plasma transport in the peripheral region of tokamaks . more...
Remembering Sol Penner, CER's Founding Director
July 15, 2016
Professor Emeritus Stanford S. “Sol” Penner, the founding director of our Center for Energy Research and a creator of UC San Diego's engineering program, passed away on July 15, 2016 at his home in La Jolla. He was 95 years old. more...
Bringing Energy Innovations to Market
April 14, 2016
The San Diego Regional Energy Innovation Cluster identifies innovative entrepreneurs that are developing solutions to the region’s priority energy needs and provides them with a customized plan that includes access to advisory support, technology commercialization services, and proof-of-concept and pilot testing. more...
UC San Diego Projects Featured at DOE-ARPAe Innovation Summit
March 2, 2016
The University of California San Diego was well represented at this year’s ARPAe Innovation Summit, held in Washington DC from February 29 to March 2. The Center for Energy Research sponsored two funded ARPAe projects. more...
President Obama honors Extraordinary Early-Career Scientists
February 18, 2016
Tammy Ma, a former Ph.D. student of Director Farhat Beg, was named by President Obama as a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers.
Jonathan Peebles wins Best Poster Prize at NNSA Stockpile Academic Alliance Symposium
February 2016
CER graduate student, Jonathan Peebles, was awarded Best Poster Prize at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s 2016 Stockpile Academic Alliance Symposium.
Bill Torre and Cleantech awarded CEC Energy Innovation grant
February 2016
The California Energy Commission awarded the San Diego Regional Innovation Cluster energy grant to Bill Torre's research group in collaboration with Cleantech San Diego.
New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors
January 2016
Researchers at MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center, in collaboration with others at the University of California at San Diego, General Atomics, and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, say that they have found the key. more...
Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion
January 2016
The team, led by scientists and engineers at the University of California, San Diego and General Atomics, developed a new technique to “see” where energy is delivered during a process called fast ignition, which is an approach to initiate nuclear fusion reactions using a high-intensity laser. more...
X-ray breakthrough 'opens door' to controlled nuclear fusion
January 2016
A new technique to monitor a process called 'fast ignition' has been developed, in what could be a critical step towards a viable method of creating controlled nuclear fusion . more...
Breakthrough: Energy on the Edge
December 6, 2015
Tammy Ma, a LLNL researcher and former UC San Diego PhD student in Professor Farhat Beg's Fast Ignition and Laser-Plasma Interactions group, is featured in an episode of National Geographic's Breakthrough series on developments in energy production that could avert global warming and usher in a new era of clean, safe energy.
CER collaborates on project to improve cookstove technology and policy in third-world countries
July 2015
For the past year CER has been working with Assistant Professor at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS), Jennifer Burney, on a project that will change the way families in third-world countries cook. more...CER trains Reuben H. Fleet Science Center volunteers to help present their new energy exhibit
June 18, 2015
CER provided an information session for volunteers from Reuben H. Fleet Science Center on renewable energy sources, distribution and storage. The volunteers will support a new exhibition at Fleet, which builds on the present “So WATT!” display and is due to open early Fall 2015. more...Rick Moyer leads outreach team in encouraging middle school girls to pursue STEM careers
March 2015
Rick Moyer, a research scientist in the Center for Energy Research, completed his 11th consecutive year of conducting workshops for the San Diego Expanding Your Horizons workshop, held in the Shiley Center for Science and Technology at the University of San Diego. The goal of these EYH events is to encourage middle and junior high school girls to consider STEM careers early enough to choose the appropriate mathematics and science classes in high school. more...The Center for Energy Research and Lawrence Livermore Lab Collaborate on Study of ‘Matter Under Extreme Conditions’
March 2015
The Center for Energy Research (CER) at UC San Diego and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will collaborate on a new Center for Matter under Extreme Conditions (CMEC). This research involves disciplines as varied as engineering, astrophysics, and supercomputing – and gains in importance as we seek to harness the benefits of matter “in extremis.” more...Record setting plasma fluence exposure in PISCES-B machine
March 2015
In late 2014, PISCES-B was used for a series of high-fluence plasma exposures to investigate the deuterium fuel retention properties of tungsten, when exposed to continuous plasma bombardment. The goal was to determine whether the fuel retention in the tungsten saturates with fluence, or continues to increase as a function of the plasma exposure time. more...Bill Torre will test smart invertors under the California Energy Commission's Electric Program Investment Charge
February 2015
The Center for Energy Research's Director of Energy Storage Systems, William Torre, will lead a two-year project to conduct testing of “smart” inverters. His team will build a state-of-the art facility with grid and photovoltaic simulators, which will allow live testing under actual simulated load and photovoltaic generation conditions while in a controlled laboratory environment. more...Farhat Beg awarded Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant to study heavy ion acceleration
January 2015
Professor Farhat Beg of UC San Diego’s Center for Energy Research will lead a three-year project with collaborators from the University of Michigan and the Naval Research Laboratory titled State-of-the-art high-flux mono-energetic ion sources driven by ultra-intense laser pulses. The grant was funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Basic Research Initiatives program. more...High Energy Density Physics Group awarded grant to carry out experiments at Omega Laser Facility
January 2015
A team led by Professor Farhat Beg in the Center For Energy Research has been awarded a two-year grant from the National Laser Users’ Facility (NLUF). The NLUF provides university and industry access to one of the world's premier laser user facilities, the OMEGA Laser Facility. more...2014
December 2014
UC San Diego receives $3 million award to help advance energy storage system16 December 2014 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
ARPA-E Charges Program to validate novel grid-storage technologiesDecember 2014 - ARPA-E
A Look Inside Four Solar Labs Offers a Glimpse of What's New in PV R&D8 November 2014 - RenewableEnergyWorld.com
CER engages students with interactive exhibits at the High Tech Fair Summary of the 9th International Conference on Dense Z Pinches Bill Torre of the UCSD Center for Energy Research on Microgrid Developments, Obstacles, “Solar Happy Hour”8 August 2014 - RenewableEnergyWorld.com cross posted with Scaling Green
Summary of the 44th Annual Anomalous Absorption ConferenceJune 2014
Supercomputing research opportunity awarded to Chris Holland and team
May 2014
March 2014
CER teaches middle school girls concepts of electricity at Expanding Your Horizons workshopMarch 2014
1 October 2013 - Calit2 Newsroom
"Our Energy Future" Public Lecture Series18 September 2013 - UC San Diego Extension Newsroom
Eric Hollmann to Receive FPA "Excellence in Fusion Engineering" Award.
1 August 2013
ITER blanket integrated product team, led by René Raffray, passes final design review.
7 May 2013
23 October 2012 - The New York Times
Pulsed Power Plasmas Group joins Cornell-led Center of Excellence in HED Physics.
6th US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop will be held at UCSD on July 10-12, 2012.
Researchers reach record performance for ethanol-based fuel cells7 June 2012 - Biofuels Digest
Best Reported Performance for Fuel Cells Operating Directly on Ethanol4 June 2012 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
CER researchers demonstrated best performance reported for fuel cells operating directly on ethanol.
4 June 2012
Summary of the 2012 Joint CMTFO - CMSO Winter School, January 8-13, 2012 in La Jolla.
President Obama Visits Solar Power Plant Using Technology Developed by UC San Diego Engineers22 March 2012 - UC San Diego News Center
CER researcher recognized for more than 5 years of participation in Expanding Your Horizons.
7 March 2012
Results of proton beam experiments at Triton laser published in Nature Physics.
7 December 2011
Mark Tillack elected fellow of IEEE "for contributions to fusion energy technology".
21 November 2011
Farhat Beg elected fellow of IEEE "for contributions to high intensity laser matter interactions and pulsed power pinches".
21 November 2011
CER Associate Director Jan Kleissl uses space shuttle data to improve solar forecasting models.
17 November 2011
15 November 2011 - KPBS
CMTFO to host the 2012 Joint CMTFO - CMSO Winter School, January 8-13, 2012 in La Jolla.
3 November 2011
Prof. Farhat Beg elected to the Executive Committee of the IEEE NPSS Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC).
21 October 2011
CER members Lane Carlson, Leo Chousal and Brandi Pate honored with 2011 Staff Recognition Awards.
2 September 2011
July 2011 - Solaripedia
CER Director Najmabadi and Assistant VCR Tynan publish a Union-Tribune editorial on the need for nuclear power.
27 March 2011
UCSD to host the 2011 High Energy Density Physics Summer School.
16 December 2010
CER member René Raffray appointed as Leader of the Blanket Integrated Product Team of ITER.
2 November 2010
Prof. Tynan elected fellow of American Physical Society.
30 September 2010
Dr. Nguyen Minh invited to speak at the Global Futures Forum in Singapore, Sept 2010
31 August 2010
Prof. Najmabadi elected fellow of American Nuclear Society.
16 June 2010
Web interview of Prof. George Tynan, regarding various facets of his research, on the ORA web site.
CER researcher Valerie Izzo nominated for 2009 Nuclear Fusion Award.
16 October 2009
15 September 2009 - Softpedia
CER members awarded a 5-year DOE Plasma Science Center grant
11 September 2009
CER members awarded a 5-year DOE Plasma Science Center grant on fundamental multiscale studies of plasma-material interactions.
11 September 2009
11 September 2009 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
Plasma power: turning fusion into a renewable energy source11 September 2009 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
UC San Diego installs high-efficiency sun-tracking solar panels27 July 2009 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
UCSD scientists shed 'light' on semiconductor quandary14 July 2009 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
CER scientists obtained a 2-year grant with KLA-Tencor to develop light sources for advanced semiconductor metrology.
14 July 2009
CER members hosted successful IEEE NPSS 36th ICOPS and 23rd SOFE May 31-June 5, 2009
UCSD receives grant for solar energy30 April 2009 - La Jolla Light via Borrego Solar
Partnership to Expand Solar Use in Calif.17 April 2009 - KPBS
UC Davis Receives $3M from Energy Commission for Renewable Energy Programs16 April 2009 - UC Davis News
Press release on the new California Solar Energy Collaborative, led by CER members.
Center for Energy Research participates in Expanding Your Horizons for the 5th straight year.
17 March 2009
Teresa Bartal and Steven Ross named Lawrence Scholars.
30 January 2009
CER to host the 8th International Workshop on the Physics of Wire Array Z-Pinches.
24 November 2008
21 November 2008 - Newswise
Growing Green Industry in San Diego13 October 2008 - KPBS
The Call for Papers for the 36th ICOPS and 23rd SOFE has been released. The abstract deadline is January 9, 2009.
CER researchers nominated for 2008 Nuclear Fusion Award.
Press release on CER research on EUV lithography.
ECE Professor Ed Yu appointed as Associate Director of CER
UC San Diego researchers create enhanced light sources for lithography9 July 2008 -Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
CER research to be highlighted on an episode of the History Channel program "Modern Marvels", entitled "Things that are hot"
5 May 2008
CER members participate in the 2008 San Diego "Expanding Your Horizons" event.
Prof. Beg selected as the winner of the 2008 IEEE/NPSS Early Achievement Award
31 March 2008
CER student Tammy Ma wins best talk award at the 2008 UCSD All-Grad Symposium
9 January 2008
CER researchers begin collaboration with Cymer Inc. on next-generation semiconductor lithography
6 September 2007
Farrokh Najmabadi wins IEEE Fusion Technolology award, to be presented at the 22nd Symposium on Fusion Engineering.
19 May 2007
Jon Spalding wins American Nuclear Society "Best Student Paper" award at 17th Topical Meeting on Fusion.
19 May 2007
Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith presents the MAE Penner Lecture on May 14 (see PDF presentation)
CER, together with the MAE department, host the 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting
March 2007
Steven Koonin, chief scientist of BP, presents the 1st CER distinguished Lecture
7 March 2007
CER Researcher Prof. Steve Buckley co-directs new $1.2-million NSF science education initiative for middle school girls.
11 January 2007
CER researchers to coordinate pertor materials experiments at the DIII-D tokamak facility
10 January 2007
UCSD researchers awarded a 3-year, $2.4M grant to study plasma confinement in tokamaks
9 January 2007
The PISCES Team was awarded a three year grant in the amount of $5.4M for research in the 2007-2009 time period.
9 January 2007
UCSD to host the 2007 High Energy Density Physics Summer School.
7 December 2006
UCSD and SDSU form a Research and Educational Consortium on Emerging Energy Technologies with SDG&E
21 November 2006
UCSD researchers to play a leading role in the Jupiter-III US-Japan collaboration on fusion nuclear technologies
17 September 2006
"Fusion Program Heats Up", from Jacobs School Pulse, summer 2006 newsletter
Summer 2006
2nd 5-year IAEA collaboration on inertial fusion energy to begin
17 Aug 2006
UCSD researchers were awarded a 3-year, $818k grant to support General Atomics on IFE target engineering studies
16 Aug 2006
New Vice Chancellor for Research Appointed
21 July 2006
The ARIES team is currently completing a 3-year study of compact stellarator power plants.
7 July 2006
UCSD Vice Chancellor of Research announces new CER director.
28 June 2006
2001 - 2005
5 July 2005 - Jacobs School of Engineering News Center
The power of the sun...on earthSpring 2001 - Jacobs School of Engineering Newsletter