UC San Diego Projects Featured at DOE-ARPAe Innovation Summit
March 2, 2016
The University of California San Diego was well represented at this year’s ARPAe Innovation Summit, held in Washington D.C. from February 29 to March 2. The Center for Energy Research sponsored two funded ARPAe projects, ARPAe Cycling Hardware to Analyze and Ready Grid-Scale Electricity Storage (CHARGES), and ARPAe Network Optimized Distributed Energy Systems (NODES). The ARPAe CHARGES project ($ 3.6 Million over 4 years) has completed its first year. The ARPAe Program Director for the CHARGES project reported “two thumbs up” regarding performance. ARPAe NODES is a new project and was featured at one of the main stage sessions; UC San Diego is the prime contractor for both of these projects. The Director of ARPAe, Dr. Ellen Williams, picked specific projects to visit on the Technology Showcase floor; the ARPAe CHARGES project was one of the projects chosen for her visit. She was accompanied by Dr. Sophie Vandebrook, Xerox Chief Technology Officer & President.
In addition, three other UCSD ARPAe projects were exhibited by the Material Science group. The five UCSD ARPAe projects were grouped together in one large group, and had one of the largest displays of the technology showcase.