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Modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (MHTGR): Robust, Real, Ready & Revolutionary

Chris Hamilton, COO, Ultrasafe Nuclear Corporation

Wednesday, December 2, 11:00am - 12:00pm

EBUII Room 479


Abstract:  A number of countries including the US are encouraging the development and deployment of advanced nuclear (Generation IV) energy systems which improve upon current light water reactors by enhancing safety, fuel utilization, economics, waste disposal, etc. There are a number of candidate technologies which qualify as Gen IV, including the MHTGR. Several Gen IV options will be discussed briefly including liquid metal-cooled fast reactors and molten salt-cooled thermal reactors, but MHTGR will be the focus. MHTGR characteristics will be reviewed including: the unique safety characteristics including the  consequences of a Fukushima-type of loss of coolant event; the status and readiness of the fuel,   technology, engineering and design; and the capability to produce high outlet helium temperatures which can generate electricity with efficiencies of ~50% and which meet industrial process heat needs potentially displacing the fossil fuel (and carbon emissions) currently required by this large energy sector. Similarly the opportunity for hydrogen production using the MHTGR will be reviewed as will the most significant challenges to advanced reactor deployment.


BIO:  Mr. Hamilton has over 30 years of experience in energy and defense technology development. Currently he is COO for Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation and Executive Director of the Next Generation Nuclear Power Industry Alliance.  Previously, Mr. Hamilton led scientific and engineering activities at General Atomics for: advanced nuclear design and power plants; thermoelectric power sources driven by nuclear, solar, or waste heat; and US/Russia Weapons Plutonium Disposition Programs. Later, as Director (Business and Technology Development), he was responsible for maintaining and expanding development activities and revenue in the fission, fusion, photonics and related technology areas. After leaving GA he consulted in advanced nuclear energy, biofuel development, 3D data capture systems and Generation IV nuclear power systems. Mr. Hamilton’s educational and professional background includes a BS in Physics and a MS in Nuclear Engineering & Reactor Physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He also has a MBA from SDSU and is a graduate of the Executive Program for Scientist & Engineers at UCSD. He is a registered Professional Nuclear Engineer in Ca. He has been a member of the American National Standards Institute committees developing nuclear design and reactor experiment standards for the US and has performed expert missions for the International Atomic Energy Agency.