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US-Japan Workshop on High-Intensity Laser-Matter Interactions

Invitation Only

18 – 19 December 2017

General Atomics Headquarters, San Diego, CA

This is a two-day US-Japan workshop focused on high-intensity laser-matter interactions. Primary topics of interest include ion and electron acceleration. High field physics aspects will also be covered. 

The workshop will include extended discussion sections. The aims of the discussion are to identify critical issues of laser-plasma interactions and to suggest possible directions for future research. 

Our goal is to promote a long-lasting collaboration between the US and Japanese scientific communities in the area of laser-matter interactions. 

The workshop is generously sponsored by General Atomics and will include a tour of their target fabrication facility. 


Workshop Organizers: 

Alex Arefiev (UCSD, USA)
Mingsheng Wei (GA, USA)
Masakatsu Murakami [村上匡且] (ILE, Japan)



  • Each presenter has a 25 minute slot, which implies about 20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We fully rely on your cooperation to stay on schedule.
  • Additional discussion time will be provided after each group of talks.
  • If possible, we ask that you include into your presentation an outlook and/or open questions. This will be very helpful for stimulating the discussion afterwards.


  • The General Atomics Torrey Pine Campus is a secure facility and requires all visitors to obtain security badges prior to entry. Be sure to arrive early for this process, so that the meeting can begin on schedule.
  • As a Workshop Member, a visitor badge has been requested for your visit dates. Upon arrival at the Security Gate each day, please inform the guard that you are attending the US-Japan Workshop. The guard will then direct you to the designated parking area.
  • You will then walk to the Visitor Center lobby for badging. Identification will be required to obtain your GA badge:
    • US Citizens may present a state ID or a US Passport
    • US Permanent Residents must present their Green Card
    • Foreign Nationals must present their Passport
  • The workshop will conclude with a tour of the GA target fabrication facility. Please indicate in advance whether you would like to participate or not.
  • Lunch and coffee/tea breaks will be provided thanks to GA's generous support of this workshop!